We are a Business with a Soul

At the soul of the Protin Group is a conversation, a story…your story. Our company is not merely about branding, marketing, or filmmaking. We are creating change, using the most powerful tool in the world…story.

We are driven by Faith

Faith-based marketing creates the ripple that grows from the splash of your products or services and positively impacts lives. The splash will bring clicks, likes, and followers, but it’s the ripple that brings sustainable revenue. Our content creates the splash, and our strategy guides the ripples.

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This is our Life’s Work

We take that seriously. Your story, when properly told, has the power to ignite change…regardless of your product or service. Our mission is to harness the power of your story as a call to action, creating the spark that ignites change, and challenges cultural norms.

We will tell your Story

We specialize in bringing stories to life. Through scripting, shooting, and editing, our production team ensures that your final product will capture your audience and produce results.

Communicating Powerfully About Things That Matter.

The Protin Group’s faith-based marketing strategy is not about pushing religion onto others, but rather communicates your message with clarity, passion, and empathy.